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Rubenstein Law - Realizing the MLK Dream through Consistency and Purpose

MLK Dream

Written by Myya Passmore of Rubenstein Law

Rubenstein Law focuses on purpose driven leadership and community outreach. Personal Injury Attorney DeWayne Terry of Rubenstein Law is pivotal in helping refine the firm’s approach to outreach to focus on causes with a purpose. Over the last two years, he has worked with the firm’s CEO Robert Rubenstein and our marketing team to track and review our progress. As a result, Mr. Terry now leads the firm’s African-American outreach efforts. It is through consistency that roots will grow deep and lead to success for our community and our firm. For the second year in a row, Rubenstein Law participated in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade in Liberty City. The firm also joined in the 24th Annual 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project MLK Scholarship Breakfast prior to the parade. Our participation represents the firm’s effort to empower our attorneys to have a clear plan for translating purpose into action. “In the spirit of Martin Luther King, our firm celebrates diversity and opportunity. We are proud to have a diverse group of lawyers and staff that is representative of the communities in which we live, work and raise our families. Martin Luther King devoted his life to fighting for equality for all and at our firm, we are dedicated to living his vision each day” says Robert Rubenstein. We reached out to Dr. Steve Gallon III, Miami-Dade School Board member to help us identify outstanding students to join our table at the MLK Breakfast before the parade. Students from Miami Carol City & North Miami High Schools were able to join us for a delicious breakfast. There they were able to network with community leaders and their peers, while celebrating local successful African American students and leaders first hand. “It has been an honor and a privilege just to see peers my age and my color receiving scholarships and not be in a jail cell. Instead, they were giving medals to black judges to say ‘hey, we appreciate you and we appreciate the things you do as role models,” says Miami Carol City High School SGA Treasurer, Arbie Nickerson. Immediately following the MLK Breakfast, Robert Rubenstein, DeWayne Terry, and other Rubenstein Law staff were joined in the parade by the Miramar Optimist 9U Football team coached by Mr. Terry. It was a great day for everyone, but you could see the smiles of those 9-year old boys olds from miles away. They obviously enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the parade and interact with the community and the firm. “After the media is gone and the celebrations are over, the work must continue. We must remain diligent in our purpose to realize the dream of MLK with a concentrated effort that is authentic and results-driven because our kids are watching us” said attorney DeWayne Terry.

*In the photo from left to right Arbie Nickerson, Senior, Miami Carol City Senior High School Dr. Steve Gallon III, Miami-Dade County School Board Member, District 1 DeWayne Terry, Attorney, Rubenstein Law Myya Passmore, African American Outreach, Rubenstein Law Dr. Martin Karp, Miami-Dade County School Board Member, District 3 and his son Jeff Sanchez, Senior, North Miami Senior High School