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Santa, a Superhero, Cupid?


By Siluen Perdomo of Rubenstein Law 

Does your job let you be Santa for the day?? How about a superhero? Cupid? Mine does! In the last several months, the Community Involvement Team at Rubenstein Law has reached out to our local communities in a variety of ways. From volunteer work, to walking for the cause, to donating goodies to children of all ages, even cute little puppies. Let’s take a look at a few of our recent projects. In December 2014, we teamed up with Billion Hearts, a non profit organization created to help children who are less fortunate. Employees donated gifts for kids of all ages. These gifts where wrapped and personally delivered to an elementary school by Santa and his elves. When Santa showed up, one of the students was so surprised he said: “I knew there was a Santa!” Bringing that kind of joy to a child is worth every moment. Here is a glimpse of all the smiles we saw that day. In February 2015, we did something flirty and new. We raised money for the Humane Society by selling Valentine Grams. Who doesn’t love a good Valentine surprise?? The funds raised went to help the Humane society provide a loving home for homeless and/or abused animals. Giving animals a second chance to feel loved and wanted in our community. These little grams where sold at an affordable price while letting others know you appreciated them and writing a little personalized message. Our efforts were a roaring success. We raised about $1,500 for the Humane Society of greater Miami. Making sure animals like this cutie always have a safe and loving home.On Saturday, March 7, 2015, we dawned our capes and went to zoo for the “Live like Bella Superhero Walk.” There is not a single person that has not been affected by Cancer. The team we are walking for is “The Julio Jaramillo Crew” in memory of our friend and colleague, whom we recently lost to cancer. We will join forces and fight for a cure against this terrible disease. Participants are welcomed for a day of fun and family activities, food, drinks, music and enjoy the zoo for the rest of the day. This is just a small look at the activities our Community involvement has participated in, this last quarter. We, as a community need to give back to those less fortunate. Whether you’re a Superhero or Santa for the day, remember that these efforts go a long way. If it’s bringing a smile to a kids face or raising money for a great cause, it’s all done for one reason: OUR COMMUNITY.