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Is Driving in Florida Stressful? Maybe, But These Tips May Help

In case you didn’t notice, stress is now considered the modern-day epidemic. Even mild levels of stress could impair one’s overall health. 

Stress is a physical, mental and/or emotional reaction to the challenges in one’s situation. When these trials come with no relief or break, a person undergoes a negative form of stress called distress. WebMD reported that 43% of adults suffer damaging health effects from stress, and that 75-90% of doctors’ visits are for stress-related conditions.

Why Stressing Out is Never a Good Idea

If the mere thought of driving in Florida stresses you out, don't sweat it. Stress uses unnecessary energy. There are many reasons to avoid stress:

  • Distress causes physical symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain, trouble sleeping.
  • Stress increases other problems including anxiety and depression, asthma, arthritis, skin conditions and heart problems.
  • Studies have linked stress to cancer, lung disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
  • Stress physically damages your heart muscle.
  • High levels of stress in pregnant women could also affect their children’s growth and development.
  • Stress could even make you gain weight.
  • Stress causes wrinkles: chronic stress contributes to premature aging.
  • Stress weakens your immune system.

How to Decrease Stress

Though you can't put some of these suggestions into practice while you're driving, some of these are easy enough to implement anywhere, including your cubicle at work. By including relaxation throughout your day, you could significantly reduce stress levels in your body, and improve mental health.

  • Exercise and Recreation: not just for looking good, but to eliminate the toxins that build up from stress.
  • Plan a Healthy Balanced Diet: instead of reaching for fast food, give your body the fuel it needs.
  • Nurture Healthy Relationships: surround yourself by optimistic, supportive people.
  • Choose Soothing Music: relaxing tunes are highly recommended by music therapists. 
  • Ditch Your Phone: it's ok to disconnect - spend at least 15 minutes in undistracted silence.
  • Know Your Stress Triggers: find the best way to react when they arise.
  • Breathe In, Breath Out: whenever something triggers stress, take deep breaths.
  • Get a Good Night's Sleep: 8-10 hours of rest resets your body.
  • Speak Positively: have self-affirming, self-soothing phrases to repeat when feeling anxious.
  • Tidy Up: if clutter is making you restless, clear up the mess at your desk or home.
  • Make a List: count 3 things you are grateful for each day.
  • Journal It: journal your thoughts before getting some shuteye.
  • Pin It: post inspirational quotes on your memo board or mirror.
  • Get Inspired: appreciate the beauty of your surroundings—architecture, nature, art, etc.
  • Be Nice to Strangers: allow them to merge into your lane or go before you at the checkout counter.
  • Go for a Walk: choose a park or natural area to de-stress.
  • Share a Smile: smiling helps elevate one's mood.
  • Let It Go: Don't let others' road rage get to you. Follow these tips to defuse the situation.

If you have been the victim of an auto or motorcycle accident because of a negligent driver, don't be in distress—we may be able to help! As experienced Florida accident attorneys our number one goal is to bring you justice. Call us at 1-800-FL-LEGAL for a free legal evaluation of your claim. 

DISCLAIMER: This post is intended to provide general information to our readers. None of the information contained in this post should be construed to constitute legal or medical advice. Laws vary by jurisdiction and cases often turn on minor differences in fact. Do not rely exclusively on any of the information contained in this post. Always seek further assistance from a legal or medical professional where necessary.
